We have new email addresses!
admin@homeschoolalabama.org and president@homeschoolalabama.org.
[Registration is now Closed]
The Capitol Day registration is closed, however we welcome everyone to come to our rally on the steps of the Capitol at 3:00 on April 10th. This is absolutely free and we welcome all homeschool families to come and fellowship with our legislators.
April 10, 2025 | Homeschool Alabama Goes to Montgomery
Last year, we were grateful to the over 200 people who joined us in celebrating homeschool freedom in Alabama. We had tours of the capitol building, legislative chambers, state auditor’s and state treasurer’s offices, as well as the First White House of the Confederacy. We ended the day at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church. And a shout-out to our sponsors and those who donated time and talents: Home School Legal Defense Association; Foursquare Church – Atlantic Division; Essential Church School; Daily Grace Academy Education and Consulting Services; Jamelia Owens.
Amendments to AHSAA Bylaws
Allowing Non-Traditional students to participate in interscholastic athletics with AHSAA member public schools.
See our latest video on Homeschool Record Keeping!
Thinking about Homeschooling?
Confused about teaching methods & curriculum?
Need guidance on Preparing for College?
“Homeschool Alabama defines home education as parent directed, home based, and privately funded”
— Executive Director, Homeschool alabama
Homeschool Alabama (formerly CHEF of Alabama) is a 501-C(3) non-profit organization that exists to inform and connect Alabama homeschoolers. We provide accurate legal advice; seek to influence the legislative process to protect our freedom to home educate; support and encourage homeschool parents; and provide resources for local and state groups.